About Us
Canada Incorporated.
Custom Instrumentation
Collaborative Involvement
Ceaseless Innovation
Creative Inspiration

Continuous Improvement
Characteristic Impedance
Customer Impact
Capacitive Inrush
The Company
9CI is an ever-growing small company located in Cambridge Ontario. We always strive to be the best for not only the environment but our community as well. We strive to reduce emissions and waste as well as packaging and our carbon footprint. In our technology, we strive to reduce harm instead of simply doing no harm. With research pointing towards RF as a possible carcinogen, 9CI works towards measuring these sources as well as producing products that do not produce RF radiation. Based nearly entirely in North America, we aim to maintain local vendors and supply chain management.
We strive to bring the world not only the most functional products but the most relevant. Our meters undergo extreme functional testing and we are continually working with scientists to determine the most biologically relevant frequencies and power levels to tune our meters to.

The Experts

David Giessel
President & Lead Engineer

Bruce Hildesheim
Analog & RF Specialist